Chris would have been well advised to heed the old saying 'Never bite the hand that feeds you.' 克里斯本应听从那句老话——“千万不要恩将仇报”。
You are well advised to buy your car through a reputable dealer. 强烈建议您通过值得信赖的经销商购车。
Moderates believe the party would be well advised to talk to the government. 温和派认为该政党的明智做法是去和政府谈判。
I can prescribe some pills which will relieve the pain, but you'd be well advised NOT to overwork yourself. 我可以给你开些止痛的药片,不过你最好不要过劳。
A RAID might be well advised, thus the motherboard would need support for it. 强烈建议使用RAID,因此主板需要提供对它的支持。
It is partly for this reason that I reiterate my earlier assertion that you're probably well advised to dedicate a PC just to this one task of FPGA development. 我认为其中一部分原因就是我之前重申多次的这个主张,即最好使用一台专门的PC来处理FPGA开发任务。
You would be well advised to stay indoors. 你最好待在屋里。
You would be well advised to consult a lawyer before committing yourself. 你应该在表态之前与律师商量一下。
Prospective franchisees, however, are well advised to properly research the nature of the industry and the background of the franchise holder before committing themselves and their money. 然而,打算投身这一行业的企业家在将自身和金钱投入进去之前,建议先仔细彻底地研究这家企业的性质和授权人的背景。
With such technology virtually at policemen's fingertips, crooks are well advised to keep their hands clean. 面对掌握了如此先进技术的警察,看来窃贼们“金盆洗手”是时候了。
You'd be well advised not to claim compensation for losses from me. 您最好不要向我索赔。
For this reason, students would be well advised to complement their text book studies with the study of authentic materials. 为此,强烈建议学生学习正宗的资料,以此来对课本学习予以补充。
Chinese financial directors have been well advised to raise as much equity as debt, taking advantage of the booming stock market, fuelled by high savings rates of Chinese households and restrictions on investing outside China. 中国财务主管积累与负债一样多的股本,以利用繁荣发展的股市,这应是明智之举。中国家庭的高储蓄率和对境外投资的限制刺激了股市的繁荣。
It is a wrong way, You'd be well advised not to do it. 不,不,这是错误的,你最好不要干这事。
More broadly, new leaders are well advised to ensure that the economy performs well. 更广泛的说,新领导人将得到充分的建议,以确保经济能够进入良性循环。
Nevertheless, as political and business leaders devise strategies they would be well advised to focus on China and India. 不过,在政界和商界领袖们制定战略的时候,他们最好将重点放在中国和印度。
The government would be well advised to assist the process through clarity. 政府最好以公开透明的方式支持整个进程。
In the western world, I believe that companies are well advised to proceed with caution. 在西方国家,我相信,企业最好是保持谨慎。
If all this leaves you up a gum tree, you would be well advised to seek the help of a good lawyer. 如果这些事使你处境艰难,你最好找一个好律师。
The average American would be well advised to follow his lead. 美国普通人最好追随他的脚步。
Note that this is a testing scenario; in real life, users would be well advised to keep security settings at much higher than minimum. 注意,这是一个测试场景;现实生活中,最好建议用户保持安全设置远高于最低设置。
If you know this remarkable woman, you'd be well advised to marry quickly. 如果你认识这位出类拔萃的女人,那么,势必会有人给你出好主意叫你赶快和她结婚。
If that happens, Mr Wong would be well advised to stay away from open windows. 如果这真的发生了,我们奉劝翁建仁最好离敞开的窗户远一点。
You would be well advised not to become involved. 我劝你最好不要牵扯进去。
I told my children when they were leaving education that they would be well advised to look for customers not bosses. 当我的孩子即将结束学业时,我会奉劝他们“寻找客户,而不是老板”。
You would be very well advised to leave today, sir. 我建议你还是尽早离开为妙,先生。
You would be well advised to buy shares of this company. 你最好先买该公司的股票。
On the contrary, to ask advice proves you well advised. 相反,寻求他人的忠告,会证明你的明智。
I am going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise. 我要睡了,他最好也睡吧。
You will be well advised not to get involved in their quarrel. 您最好不要卷入他们的争吵。